Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Allebach Photography LOVES Fonthill!

Here are the top 6 dream wedding locations in the Philadelphia area according to our very own polls:

Cairnwood Mansion in Bryn Athyn, Pa
Ballroom at the Ben in Center City, Philadelphia, Pa
Fonthill Castle in Doylestown, Pa
Drexelbrook in Drexel Hill, Pa
The Rittenhouse in Philadelphia, Pa
Moshulu, Philadelphia, Pa

Fonthill is an extreme value in this company!!!!

Budget Issues Resolved!


I cannot thank you enough for your help. My Mom had a great time meeting with you and we are very excited to be working with you. We have had some bad experiences with caterers along the way so far, and we were a bit gun shy about meeting with another caterer, but you’ve put us at ease and we are thrilled. Thank you for the Sunday Wedding Date advice and for your help with our budgeting. I plan to come home within the coming weeks and hope to meet with you then.
